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lum molestie lacus. Aenean nonummy
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suscipit varius mi. Cum sociis natoque
Dear Friend,
Hello and Welcome to the website of Daniel Betz Consulting.
If you’ve landed on this website, that’s fantastic!
Herein you can find the solutions you’re looking for. How do I know you’re looking for a solution? Well if you’re taking the time to visit us then, obviously there is something in your life you want to change, and improve. You want to grow; you want to be more successful. You want to fix an area of your life you’re currently dissatisfied with. And, if you’re like most people you want real results with change that lasts. Well you won’t be disappointed, you’ve come to the right place.
To be very candid, there’s a diabolical pattern that prevents most everyone from experiencing the life they truly want. It’s simply this: Most everyone lives in crisis mode, running around trying to put out all the “urgent fires” in their life. When what they really need to do, to live an extraordinary life, is create the life they want–the LifeVision of their own design.
You have to start with what you want instead of what you don’t want. Start with the vision you have for your life, with the end result in mind. Only then can you focus and take action on what’s vital to creating this self-designed LifeVision. Since the purpose of this website is to help people live better lives, let’s dive right in, shall we?
Did you know, all successful people, those who are truly living an extraordinary life—life on their terms—are those who have the answers to these three questions:
1. What do you really want?
2. Do you know the real obstacles preventing you from having it?
3. How do you make immediate change happen in your life, now?
Success can be defined differently by most everyone, wouldn’t you agree?
But generally speaking, most people would probably agree with this idea, that, “success is the progressive realization and unfolding of your life dreams -– your LifeVision coming to fruition, on-going”.
So, it’s the ability to live the way you want to live; the ability to get what you want. And furthermore, it’s the ability to enjoy what you have now.
So there’s two things really, the ability to achieve desired results and the ability to enjoy life moment by moment. Would you agree with this definition of success?
Keeping the above idea in mind, there’s usually something specific you want to change or improve now.
Well, regardless of whether it’s creating an outstanding family, improving your health and energy, attaining an unfair advantage in business, deepening your relationships with loved ones, or taking your finances to the next level, Daniel Betz Consulting’ programs, tools, strategies, and resources are all designed to start by helping you clarify what you truly want today—identifying your most cherished desires and how you want your life to be now, experienced on your terms.
What’s stopping you from having what you want?
It goes back to the three questions, right?
1. Lack of a Crystal Clear Desire and corresponding motivation.
2. Do not have or use consistently, Proven Steps, tools and methods that all successful people have and use with regularity.
3. Repetition of non-supportive thoughts. Beliefs and attitudes held that are inconsistent with what you truly want. Mental conflicts, inaccurate thinking or emotional upset.
Most people believe that one solution to their problem is to simply change the mental input–gaining new knowledge. This is why people are forever seeking that magical piece of information. The problem with this approach, however, is that all the knowledge and experience we acquire is filtered through the same belief system, attitudes, and mental conflicts.
Therefore, even yeomen attempts at getting better control of your time and becoming more productive at creating your vision will fail you without the corresponding changes in the mental programming you now use.
How do you change your life now?
To take your life to the next level, you need an integrated approach. A program that provides, spaced repetition, motivation to action, and results.
Which brings us to the purpose of our business. Which is:
“Getting people to live their dreams”.
And to accomplish this, we provide real world, proven steps–steps you can begin to apply immediately to measurably improve the quality of your life. Our proven steps are based on results, not fantasy or wishful thinking, but real world time-tested results!
The Daniel Betz Consulting program is the medium that connects you to these proven steps. The DBC program turns your personal development and achievement into a step-by-step process that will help you identify what it is you really want, what’s preventing you from getting it, and how to break through your success barriers and self-limiting beliefs, to generate daily motivation, take action and transform your life forever. And, we deliver these time-tested methods with a learning technique that works, based on facts; and produces long-lasting results. It ‘s an easy to use, step by step approach, delivered with a knowing belief, that those who apply these steps will achieve their life vision.
There are different levels of immersion for the LifeVision Today proven steps system: contact us to learn more. Call now: 412-344-0461
In closing, remember the LifeVision Today proven steps system, tools and technologies work, they change lives; so they get you to live the life you really want. ”
Thank You for your interest in Daniel Betz Consulting.
Successfully and positively yours,
Dan Betz
Success Coach
“Getting people to live their dreams”
P.S. “I firmly believe that, you are a unique and special person, an individual capable of accomplishing
more than even you may realize and a person who can achieve and live your dreams. However, what
is vital to you living your dream is what you believe. We can help you solve this puzzle and from that,
you can live your dream and live successfully.”